Why change the "int" to a "long"? We need to change it so the
variables are 32 bits like they are on the PC. A C int on the PalmPilot
defaults to 16 bits and if we don't change it to a long, the loop will
never terminate.
So, how long do you think it will it take to run? On a PalmPilot Pro, it takes
about 10 seconds.
So, it's pretty obvious there is a difference here. But since the program ran
so fast under the Pentium, we don't know how big the difference is.
How Big Is The Difference?
A program using primarily 32 bit arithmetic can run 300 times slower on a PalmPilot.
This is the speed difference of a C program running on a Pentium 233 vs. the same
C program on a PalmPilot Pro.
So, a C program that takes a second to execute on a Pentium PC can take 5 minutes
to execute on a PalmPilot.
This is, of course, a rough number. The real value will depend on your
PC, the program written and various other factors. But it should give you
a feel for the difference.
So, what does this mean for Waba programs? Waba programs will run a lot slower
on your PalmPilot than on your PC. Probably 300 times slower just like C
How about Windows CE?
A program using primarily 32 bit arithmetic can run about 10 times slower on a MIPS R4000 based Windows CE device versus a Pentium 233 Mhz. We tested using a Casio Cassiopeia E-10 Windows CE Palm-sized PC.
Of course, the real difference will depend on your Windows CE device, your PC, the program and other factors but that might give you a rough idea of the performance difference.
How fast is Waba compared to C?
So, we know that small devices are probably going to run programs
slower than a Pentium PC. In some cases, quite a bit slower.
But let's say we were choosing between writing a program in C
and writing one in Waba. What kind of performance
can we expect from Waba relative to C?
Well, the WabaVM 1.0 does not use a JIT (Just In Time compiler), it
interprets the bytecode it needs to execute.
To do this it needs to do the following for each bytecode operation:
- load the operation
- decode it (figure out what to do)
- do something
- go back to step 1.
So, for every 1 instruction that C might compile down into, you have more than
one instruction that needs to be executed by a WabaVM.
So, we can roughly expect a Waba program running under the WabaVM 1.0
to run maybe 3 to 8 times slower than a similarly written C program.
In our tests, it runs instructions about 5 times slower.
Any VM which is interpreting bytecode will have similar performance if a JIT
is not used. If you are interpreting code instead of executing it directly,
you just need to do more stuff.
The Big Picture
So, what's the big picture? If you are using a JDK to do development on your PC
and you write a program and run it on the PalmPilot, you can expect it to run
a lot slower on the PalmPilot than on your PC.
If you are using a Pentium based computer to develop your program and a JDK
that does not have a JIT, you can expect your program to run about 300 times
slower on a PalmPilot with a WabaVM than it does on the Pentium with a JVM.
And the same program will probably run 10 times slower on a standard
MIPS based Windows CE Palm-sized PC relative to a Pentium 233 Mhz desktop
If the JDK you are using on your PC has a JIT, you can expect the
difference to be even greater.
We are continuing to do performance analysis of the WabaVM to
make it faster but the big picture is that programs written in any
language will run a lot slower
on a 68328-based PalmPilot than they do on a Pentium-based PC.
So, what does this all mean? It means that when you write programs
for small devices, you should design them to be as small and simple as
possible. You should avoid looping too much and try to minimize,
simplify or avoid compute intensive tasks.
The programs that ship with PalmPilot and Windows CE devices
have "good performance" from the users perspective. You can
write Waba programs that
have the same feeling of "good performance" if you design them
knowing the limitations of the device.
Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Wabasoft. Waba, WabaVM and WabaSDK are trademarks of
Wabasoft Inc.